I actually have not been that busy but could not be bothered to blog coz its been very hot outside and i cannot be sitting and blogging. helllll NO. Anyhu, am at sch nerding myself even though we technically got no sch today. Am behaving for sure. Gats to be heading to work soon though. Tough life.
I am taking physiology course at the moment and am reallly starting to be nerdy and my friends who take other courses find me weird these days. In physiology, we get to learn about different human organs and stuff. Yesterday, i did revision about the kidneys. Ha! its one of the most interesting organs people. So having understodd everything, i went home and all of a sudden i was very thirty for like 5 hours. Instead of just drinking water, i went ahead and called a friend and explained how something is wrong with ma kidneys. Good lord. hahahhaah. It was comedy..
My friend just cursed at me and told me to get a life. lol (love u V). I never thought i would turn out like that. I mean am not the type to be very into my studies like that bah hey, i guess people change.
Anywaaaays, am learning about the nervous system now and all its electrical impulses. Not that fun.
Have a nice weekend dolls.

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