The second one(Girl B) has a boyfriend whom she cherishes like crazy. Its her first boyfriend though shez in her early 20s. She is fashion crazy and never hesitates to speak her mind. She can be controversial but only to annoy people who have nothing better to do than stalk her. heheheh
The third one(Girl C) is alot like the second girl. She has a biiiig mouth, as in she talks and talks and sometimes doesnt know when to shut it. She too is funny and I promise you will hear her voice wherever you go. Bah she is soooo loving and caring and she will just crack you up. She kinda of is a man hater who honestly wants someone but been hurt too many times that everyone who tries, she will just scare them off.
Now these 3 girls are all A students at University and are all aspiring pharmacists They talk about everything and anything. Both nasty and innocent stuff. Though a conflict came up one day. A guy liked girl A. She didnt know what to think but told us she could have liked him if he were a little bit cute. save to say, he is ugly. Girl B stated that he kinda is adorable while girl C when on to agree and joke about how ugly he actually is. A year later, girl A is actually in love with the "not so cute" guy and gdaaaang she loves him. Now just bse these girls are super close, girl C thinks she can say whatever. So every single day she reminds girl A of how ugly her man is. Girl B doesnt say a word coz she knows that a girl in love will never ever wanna hear anything bad about their man.
Anyhu, this goes on for several weeks. Girl C joking about girl A´s man. "Oh look the ugly one is coming down the corridor" she snapped attimes. So one day girl A just burst out in tears. I swear she bowled. Th3y yall were taken aback coz it was surprising. She was crying these enormous gigantic tears coz she had held in alot of her anger inside her towards girl C. She was mumbling why anyone would torture her with bad words describing her man. It was so hurt breaking. Girl c was of course surprised but they yall hugged in silence. It was only the sniffing that could be heard in the air, but all girls knew that they had learnt a lesson.

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