Ha! 9 a.m and am already awake. Am telling u am that old woman who can't sleep til noon. Oh well nothing to do.
Anyhu herez a list of things that ANNOY me to the maximum
. I hate people who repeat themselves. If I didn't say pardon please don't kill my ears with what I already know.
. People in front of me not holding the door. Ha! That's just rude. Here in Sweden, everyone is so polite in that way but if u go outside countries? It's a different story.
. Kants who decide to stare at you. Am just like didn't ur mum teach you any manners? You stare at me, we will have a staring contest, and then I will curse you.
. My mum does this alllll the time. While watching tv, she can just decide from nowhere that she wants to watch another program, in the middle of a program. She doesn't even Botha to ask what I think. After she's changed the channel, I just leave the sitting room. Like an hour later, shez like "ooh you were watching the program I changed?" Daaaaaah.
. Especially girls. Ignoring your friends just because you ve got into a new relationship. Very very common. This pisses the crap outta me.
. Last but not least, this one is the most annoying of them all. Hypocrites. Two faced people. People who pretend to be what they ain't. Aaaaaah. Am just like, the real you will surface no matter how many masks you put on. I know you are not the good girl u is portraying.
. Oh one more thing. How hard is it to say thank you or please? Ha? Just say thank you for God's sake. It's very polite I tell yall.
. Last one. When an old person comes on a bus, please please please people, stupid people, get up your fat behinds and let em sit. Poor old people. I just stare in disbelief when the bus driver has to tell the passengers to move for an old person. Smh
You want an amazing person that will change your life for the better? Take a look in the mirror.
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Three in the morning
It's 3 a.m. I just came back home from yet another wild night. Yeah I know it's a Monday bah c'mon am a student and young. Hehehe. Anyhu, came back kinda early today coz am working tomorrow (no sch). BUT will be staying out late tomorrow coz am freeeee on Wednesday.
I really can't sleep coz all that's on my mind is my boyfriend, my best friend, the love of my life, the one who loves and always puts me first. Oooooooooh. I really love and miss that kid. Last Saturday I went and bought him tiny mini, but expensive gifts. Hope he likes them. Will be seeing him this coming weekend so am ecstatic. That kid is too nice to me, he does everything for MY sake. It's like those cute guys in movies. I love you babe. Even though am tough and complicated to be with, hope u know that u are my everything (and yes I KNOW u read my blog even though u never admit it).
I really gats to sleep coz work will be calling in like 4hrs:(
I really can't sleep coz all that's on my mind is my boyfriend, my best friend, the love of my life, the one who loves and always puts me first. Oooooooooh. I really love and miss that kid. Last Saturday I went and bought him tiny mini, but expensive gifts. Hope he likes them. Will be seeing him this coming weekend so am ecstatic. That kid is too nice to me, he does everything for MY sake. It's like those cute guys in movies. I love you babe. Even though am tough and complicated to be with, hope u know that u are my everything (and yes I KNOW u read my blog even though u never admit it).
I really gats to sleep coz work will be calling in like 4hrs:(
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Just thoughts
I wonder what makes people thinks its okey to comment on someone's body like 'you skinny ass' or 'you need to eat ' or something in that manner. By now everyone thinks or they claim they know that telling someone, especially girls that they are fat is a crime. Hahahahaha
I always laugh at that. Someone has created this 'ideal' image of how everyone should look like and if you dont look anywhere nere that , then bye bye. you are ugly sweetie. WTF! To me, it's just a bunch of bull crappy nonsense. Commenting on how skinny someone is, is as 'bad' or as damaging as commenting that they are fat and should Workout. Those kind of comments really send people to doing certain stuff that can be harmful. Why shape up my beautiful curvey or skinny body for people's liking?
All that doesn't matter as long as you are healthy but most importantly HAPPY and comfortable in your own skin. So this is a shout out to y'all who feel the need to comment other people's bodies or whatever. Comments like 'Hun you look great or amazing or something down that lane still exist you know.
So if you have nothing worth saying, just STFU. Am just saying.
I always laugh at that. Someone has created this 'ideal' image of how everyone should look like and if you dont look anywhere nere that , then bye bye. you are ugly sweetie. WTF! To me, it's just a bunch of bull crappy nonsense. Commenting on how skinny someone is, is as 'bad' or as damaging as commenting that they are fat and should Workout. Those kind of comments really send people to doing certain stuff that can be harmful. Why shape up my beautiful curvey or skinny body for people's liking?
All that doesn't matter as long as you are healthy but most importantly HAPPY and comfortable in your own skin. So this is a shout out to y'all who feel the need to comment other people's bodies or whatever. Comments like 'Hun you look great or amazing or something down that lane still exist you know.
So if you have nothing worth saying, just STFU. Am just saying.
I hate good byes
Yeah that's true I hate goodbyes. Imma be away from my friends a couple of days so we hang out a little 'extra' today. Yeah we always do that when one of us is going away. Anyhu, I have a headache coz I've laughed and talked way too much today. On the outside, one can think that me and my friends have nothing in common coz they are quiet reserved, very ambitious at school and very religious. Am just a tiny bit of all that BUT ha, don't let looks deceive you coz we are the same and that's why we laugh a lot. I Feel sorry for other people who try to hang out with us co they never get the jokes.
I already miss them but I gats to do something very very important and will for sure write it out here when everything is given the green light. Until then, be nice to each Otha.
Nite dollz
On my way to.....hopefully heaven
I already miss them but I gats to do something very very important and will for sure write it out here when everything is given the green light. Until then, be nice to each Otha.
Nite dollz
On my way to.....hopefully heaven
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Effective day for sho
1. Studied. Check
2. Worked. Check
3. Hit the gym. Double check coz I went spinning and then went on to train my upper body for 45mins.
4. Ma boo decided to buy me summer outfits. Check
5. Cooked food
6. Am in a very very good mood. Triple check
Good nite dolls
2. Worked. Check
3. Hit the gym. Double check coz I went spinning and then went on to train my upper body for 45mins.
4. Ma boo decided to buy me summer outfits. Check
5. Cooked food
6. Am in a very very good mood. Triple check
Good nite dolls
Scarlett´s Diary
Do you know what I've never grasped? Kissing! what is that? you put your lips on mine next you
stick your tongue in mine, our tongues are frolicking and ooh wait what's that? Saliva -_-.
Frankly thinking about it makes you erm I dunno.
However in the act it feels different, sometimes it's magical other times I'm like woah hold up
However in the act it feels different, sometimes it's magical other times I'm like woah hold up
there mister! they are lips okay not pop tarts, don't suck them all in like that. And what's with
all that spitum? control your mouth! I'm telling you, you kiss some people and you swear off
that act and others make you not want to ever seperate your lips again.
So this post of course is to those who think their lips are vacuum cleaners. I know there's no exact curriculum that teaches you how to kiss or date people or whatever. Except maybe they've introduced it into sex education but my point is it's tricky. I get it. You watch some movies and you cringe when they kiss like please breathe a little. How do you know just when to slip your tongue in? When to change the position of your head? Some guys yeah just want to paralyse your neck, like oya now lets switch. Yeah
practise makes perfect, there's no denying that but if I may point out just one thing
PASSIONATE! Please do not start by sticking your tongue out first. What do you think
you are? Salamander lizard? If you must practise, please do before you gnaw off his/her lips. Having said that I had an amazing kiss tonight. hehe goodnight
Saturday, 20 April 2013
Two faced
That girl, the one that never shuts her mouth, that pretty one, is the moste insecure one. She hides her anger but mostly incarcerated pain. She is a ruthless vulgar person who has learned the hard way. She for sure is short tempered, impatient and cruel attimes because she knows no other way.
Like a magnet, people are drawn to her because of her manners, her smile and warmth she has. Always sorrounded by someone and smiling as usual, even then she still feels lonely. Only a few know the real her. Only a handful know how she hurts and how big a fasade she puts on. She is not a
girly girl despite being make up and fashion crazy because sports is one of the things that keep her on the not so girly side. She over analyses happenings and has a not forgiving heart. She has a hard time moving on and actually doing something good in her life because she is constatly being reminded of her past that haunts her. Thats why she gets into fights. to forget everything.
Dont let her fancy pancy clothes, make up, all materialistic she owns deceive you. Nope. Its just a wall so the outside world wont ask any questions. This very girl longs to be loved and cared for. Yepp she has found a soul mate, even though she keeps pushing him away. Trust issues. She hurts him every chance she gets even though she loves him unconditionally. And she is so sorry every single time. She doesnt know what to do or how to keep the man in her life;(
Like a magnet, people are drawn to her because of her manners, her smile and warmth she has. Always sorrounded by someone and smiling as usual, even then she still feels lonely. Only a few know the real her. Only a handful know how she hurts and how big a fasade she puts on. She is not a
girly girl despite being make up and fashion crazy because sports is one of the things that keep her on the not so girly side. She over analyses happenings and has a not forgiving heart. She has a hard time moving on and actually doing something good in her life because she is constatly being reminded of her past that haunts her. Thats why she gets into fights. to forget everything.
Dont let her fancy pancy clothes, make up, all materialistic she owns deceive you. Nope. Its just a wall so the outside world wont ask any questions. This very girl longs to be loved and cared for. Yepp she has found a soul mate, even though she keeps pushing him away. Trust issues. She hurts him every chance she gets even though she loves him unconditionally. And she is so sorry every single time. She doesnt know what to do or how to keep the man in her life;(
Friday, 19 April 2013
Part of me
So you are three friends that are very close. All know pretty much everything about each otha. Yall 3 got very strong personalities which is quiet disturbing how u can be friends and not clash. Well trust me, these 3 have for sure clashed several times but still love each other. One of the girls(Girl A) is kinda shy and very religious, as in modern religious. Leave alone these church goers who talk God here God there but they do evil acts, nope she is the person who is genuinely nice and will never ever talk anything bad about anyone. A true believer.
The second one(Girl B) has a boyfriend whom she cherishes like crazy. Its her first boyfriend though shez in her early 20s. She is fashion crazy and never hesitates to speak her mind. She can be controversial but only to annoy people who have nothing better to do than stalk her. heheheh
The third one(Girl C) is alot like the second girl. She has a biiiig mouth, as in she talks and talks and sometimes doesnt know when to shut it. She too is funny and I promise you will hear her voice wherever you go. Bah she is soooo loving and caring and she will just crack you up. She kinda of is a man hater who honestly wants someone but been hurt too many times that everyone who tries, she will just scare them off.
Now these 3 girls are all A students at University and are all aspiring pharmacists They talk about everything and anything. Both nasty and innocent stuff. Though a conflict came up one day. A guy liked girl A. She didnt know what to think but told us she could have liked him if he were a little bit cute. save to say, he is ugly. Girl B stated that he kinda is adorable while girl C when on to agree and joke about how ugly he actually is. A year later, girl A is actually in love with the "not so cute" guy and gdaaaang she loves him. Now just bse these girls are super close, girl C thinks she can say whatever. So every single day she reminds girl A of how ugly her man is. Girl B doesnt say a word coz she knows that a girl in love will never ever wanna hear anything bad about their man.
Anyhu, this goes on for several weeks. Girl C joking about girl A´s man. "Oh look the ugly one is coming down the corridor" she snapped attimes. So one day girl A just burst out in tears. I swear she bowled. Th3y yall were taken aback coz it was surprising. She was crying these enormous gigantic tears coz she had held in alot of her anger inside her towards girl C. She was mumbling why anyone would torture her with bad words describing her man. It was so hurt breaking. Girl c was of course surprised but they yall hugged in silence. It was only the sniffing that could be heard in the air, but all girls knew that they had learnt a lesson.
To always say when something is bothering you, to for God´s not make bad jokes about other people´s boyfriends NO MATTER HOW CLOSE YOU ARE to someone, coz no one is perfect and to of course talk to your friends if you feel what they are doing or how they are acting is not correct.
The second one(Girl B) has a boyfriend whom she cherishes like crazy. Its her first boyfriend though shez in her early 20s. She is fashion crazy and never hesitates to speak her mind. She can be controversial but only to annoy people who have nothing better to do than stalk her. heheheh
The third one(Girl C) is alot like the second girl. She has a biiiig mouth, as in she talks and talks and sometimes doesnt know when to shut it. She too is funny and I promise you will hear her voice wherever you go. Bah she is soooo loving and caring and she will just crack you up. She kinda of is a man hater who honestly wants someone but been hurt too many times that everyone who tries, she will just scare them off.
Now these 3 girls are all A students at University and are all aspiring pharmacists They talk about everything and anything. Both nasty and innocent stuff. Though a conflict came up one day. A guy liked girl A. She didnt know what to think but told us she could have liked him if he were a little bit cute. save to say, he is ugly. Girl B stated that he kinda is adorable while girl C when on to agree and joke about how ugly he actually is. A year later, girl A is actually in love with the "not so cute" guy and gdaaaang she loves him. Now just bse these girls are super close, girl C thinks she can say whatever. So every single day she reminds girl A of how ugly her man is. Girl B doesnt say a word coz she knows that a girl in love will never ever wanna hear anything bad about their man.
Anyhu, this goes on for several weeks. Girl C joking about girl A´s man. "Oh look the ugly one is coming down the corridor" she snapped attimes. So one day girl A just burst out in tears. I swear she bowled. Th3y yall were taken aback coz it was surprising. She was crying these enormous gigantic tears coz she had held in alot of her anger inside her towards girl C. She was mumbling why anyone would torture her with bad words describing her man. It was so hurt breaking. Girl c was of course surprised but they yall hugged in silence. It was only the sniffing that could be heard in the air, but all girls knew that they had learnt a lesson.

Just grey
Friday ha? Am not that excited. It's like the first time am not celebrating coz it's weekend. I am working and have lots of studies plus I figured I can use a break this time around instead of runnin out in heels shaking ma boom boom all nite.
The weather is just blaaaaa. Cold, rainy only black and White. To add to the not so exciting mood, I have on the most boring outfit of all times. Not so special blue jeans, a grey tshirt plus jogging converse. Hahahahaha and a black back pack. Yepp I look miserable.
Here is a black and white pic of ma shoes just bse everything sucks. Oh did I mention am in a bad mood? Yeah, no? Well yeah I am.
The weather is just blaaaaa. Cold, rainy only black and White. To add to the not so exciting mood, I have on the most boring outfit of all times. Not so special blue jeans, a grey tshirt plus jogging converse. Hahahahaha and a black back pack. Yepp I look miserable.
Here is a black and white pic of ma shoes just bse everything sucks. Oh did I mention am in a bad mood? Yeah, no? Well yeah I am.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
yepp u guessed it right, am high on Big Bang theory series. Too good oh maigad. Ma biggest issue is that I tried to figure out who my best character is bah got a headache and decided to give up. Love it.
On another note. I hate when I plan an outfit for the next day only for the weather not to cooperate meaning that I have to change. Fwak. It really irritates me. Yesterday nite, I decided to plan together a very different outfit, different from what I usually put on bah it was banging hot and I was proud of maself only to wake up to rain this morning which totally destroyed it coz then I had to change the shoes and my top. Blaaaaa:(
Oh and stupid me gets stupider every single day. I usually walk from school home everyday . At least for the past 2 weeks. It takes like 40 mins home. Well, today was no exception coz I walked bah forgetting that I had high heels on and it was raining cats and dogs. Now I have no trouble going around in heels bah the way home from school is hilly and lots gravel = not good for my back. So I was in pain when I finally finally got home, all wet. Though I didn't mind being wet coz it reminded me of my home country. We always danced in the rain when we were younger. Best feeling.
Anyhu, No gym today coz YouTube helped me get in shape today with Zumba. An hour filled with fun.
Messy post as usual bah that's me. Am messy.
Nite nite dollz.
On another note. I hate when I plan an outfit for the next day only for the weather not to cooperate meaning that I have to change. Fwak. It really irritates me. Yesterday nite, I decided to plan together a very different outfit, different from what I usually put on bah it was banging hot and I was proud of maself only to wake up to rain this morning which totally destroyed it coz then I had to change the shoes and my top. Blaaaaa:(
Oh and stupid me gets stupider every single day. I usually walk from school home everyday . At least for the past 2 weeks. It takes like 40 mins home. Well, today was no exception coz I walked bah forgetting that I had high heels on and it was raining cats and dogs. Now I have no trouble going around in heels bah the way home from school is hilly and lots gravel = not good for my back. So I was in pain when I finally finally got home, all wet. Though I didn't mind being wet coz it reminded me of my home country. We always danced in the rain when we were younger. Best feeling.
Anyhu, No gym today coz YouTube helped me get in shape today with Zumba. An hour filled with fun.
Messy post as usual bah that's me. Am messy.
Nite nite dollz.
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Every bone hurts
My lord am so tired. Had sch from 8a.m til 4 p.m. Never in my university life have i had such long days. Ok apart from the looong labs, i havent been tortured like this in a while, Good thing physiology is interesting.
Anyhu, afterschool, i worked a little on my labs and then just hang out with ma girls at sch. They are so cute coz some had baked smearing cake and some had bought cottage cheese. Mums mums mus, and thats when i said goodbye to my healthy ways. BUT i trained afterwards. Oh my lord am addicted to cottage cheese these days. Am like where have you been all my life?
After gym, i washed and cooked and then helped my mum with her school work. Pufff glad this day is over. Oh am so looking forward to yoga tomorrow, never tried it so it should be fun. Gosh I bubble too much
Later dolls
Anyhu, afterschool, i worked a little on my labs and then just hang out with ma girls at sch. They are so cute coz some had baked smearing cake and some had bought cottage cheese. Mums mums mus, and thats when i said goodbye to my healthy ways. BUT i trained afterwards. Oh my lord am addicted to cottage cheese these days. Am like where have you been all my life?
After gym, i washed and cooked and then helped my mum with her school work. Pufff glad this day is over. Oh am so looking forward to yoga tomorrow, never tried it so it should be fun. Gosh I bubble too much
Later dolls
Monday, 15 April 2013
Coz yall strong women
Monday and am feelin aite. Just aite. Didn't go to school coz.....umrm hmmm yeah was buzy cuddling. But that's all gone so am at work at the moment trying to make some money. Tis been a while. Oh and I haven't been to the gym in like forever so I'm making that happen today after work. I gotta get back to my healthy ways and work on that 6pack til summer. Though I've been a good girl lately coz I've been jogging everyday after sch for the past 2wks so thumbs up.
Anyhu, who says we ladies can't get ourselves 6 packs eh? I know for sure I can and y'all females out there can do it. Remember that. Found this caption on insta and its so good a motivation.
Anyhu, who says we ladies can't get ourselves 6 packs eh? I know for sure I can and y'all females out there can do it. Remember that. Found this caption on insta and its so good a motivation.
Friday, 12 April 2013
Baam people am back on track. Yesso. Damn these past weeks been tough on me. Way too tough. After hanging out with ma family and friends, I just became sad when they left plus sch and work aren't giving me a break. One bad news after another. Hohoho I wasn't that tough anymore. Smh
BUT thank the almighty it's Friday today coz am finally gonna see ma babe, my everything. The love of my life. Aaaaah am excited. Last saw him 2 wks ago so it really was time for hugs and cuddles<3 . On another note, these 3 songs been on replay the past week.
BUT thank the almighty it's Friday today coz am finally gonna see ma babe, my everything. The love of my life. Aaaaah am excited. Last saw him 2 wks ago so it really was time for hugs and cuddles<3 . On another note, these 3 songs been on replay the past week.
Happy weekend folks
Thursday, 4 April 2013
All I got left are memories of you, of us. Good and bad times, everything we did, shared with and between each other. I will always cherish those times together and try to remember only the good times because the bad hurt way too much.
Memories. Such a priceless characteristic
Good nite dolls.
Memories. Such a priceless characteristic
Good nite dolls.
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
I will leave my mark for everyone to know...I WAS HERE
Oooopsi, totally forgot about my blog. Not so weird because ive literally taken YOLO to the next level the past 4-5 days. Party EVERY single day, shopping, meeting old friends and rekindling friendship. Oh am so glad i just abandoned sch and work and other stuff to live life for a moment. I hang out with my lovely mum, shopped, cafes, best friend hugs, forgiving and forgetting people, my baby making me smile as usual and then party party party party like in the movie "project X", something like that. Thank God i dont drink coz then am always on in party mood, no hangovers.
Anyhu, back to hell now. Lots of studies and behaving. I got lots on my mind bah will write about that in other posts. Off to the gym now coz its been long.
Ciao dolls
Anyhu, back to hell now. Lots of studies and behaving. I got lots on my mind bah will write about that in other posts. Off to the gym now coz its been long.
Ciao dolls
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