One of the worst months of last year. Eveyrthing, well almost e v e r y t h i n g in my life changed. New sch, new friends, new life and new attitude. I took all my belongings with little to no cash, and moved. Thankfully, getting a job wasnt that hard so i went to school daily and worked daily. Was exhausted every single day. Someone had to pay the bills and i was sure aint getting help from ma parents but some good people helped me whenever they could. Ma siblings and that kid i cherish.
I passed y first exam and was excited. School and work continued to challenge me but i was hanging in there. Started another course and passed my second exam but failed the third. Ouch. That was a blow under the belt but was expected. One of my siblings surprised me with cash and hell yeah life started to brighten up for me.
I dont remember alot from march apart from the fact that i didnt have to work that much coz i had saved up quite an amout and could lay back and just study. But i remember feeling kinda depressed coz i was so distant from my family.
Took a flight back home and visited my family and bestie. Life was great again. I started to feel like myself again.
Again, I don't remember that much from April either.
Best months. Summer holidays around the corner and I had passed most of my exams<3. I still worked hard but wasn't as tired as the beginning of the term.
I got free cash from taxes. Not free as in free coz I pay taxes of course. During June, I was rich as hell so I made multiple trips throught the country. Life was great.
Boring borin borin coz I only worked. Blaaaaa. The most months ever.
sch started and that meant staying up late studying. I studied ma ass off but failed ma exams during these months. The most fun about these months is that I made new friends. Well am friends with everyone in the class but this time around, I made new study friends (one of em is ma bestie now). These pple helped me alot both with sch and personal issues. Lots of luv
na na na. I only remember good things about December. I passed all ma retakes. Gaaaaaah was soo excited. I particularly remember passing 2 exams where only 30% in the class had passed. We are 90 students so the joy was at its best.
I worked alot in Dec but made it home just in time for the new celebration with ma soul mates. Yeah i got a few av em.
Now lets hope 2013 brings as many challenges but beta solutions.
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