
Friday, 17 April 2015


Missed my blog but most importantly, i have missed being able to write my feelings off. Anyhu, was listening to a radio station today and a topic was brought up. The question was as follows;

What would make you stay in a relationship for a long long time?
1. love
2.good sex
3. money
4. beuatiful/gorgeous partner

My first reaction was love. Of course its love coz i wouldnt stand no human if i didnt love them somehow. As the programme went on, many people were calling in saying money and am like "waaaa crazy people, crazy in money". Now we yall have heard or said the expression money doesnt buy love, right? Well a guy called in and said love doesnt buy food, it doesnt pay bills, neither does it dress you. Hehe. Now this is where my opinion changed. Money, money, money. I love me some money. To be realistic, i think one shoukd find em a soul mate only because they love em but not for other reasons like money. BUT after i have loved you crazy broke person, i need you to step it up and show me some cash. hahahahah. But at the same time, what if someone leaves me just because am broke? well my answer is am hard working and brokeness (is that a word?) doesnt exist in my world.

Some other guy called in the station and argued that love can take you places, that love is a strong "thing" it takes you places and can in many cases generate money. So he meaning that stay to love and all will be fine.

All in all, am for love. Love first coz it is a great feeling BUT  god damn nigga step up your freaking game and spread some cash on me coz am not that life of being broke all the time. I have always worked, since i was 16 years very young so i have always had dime in ma pocket. hehehehe At the end of the day, as long as i love someone, i will stay even they are broke only if they are ambitious and show that they tying.

ova n out