
Monday, 30 December 2013


Crazy, it's new New Year's Eve tomorrow. Time it flies or flys? Flys sounds more correct. Ok time flys. 2013 has a been a good damn year. I've never felt so alive (I know it's such a cliche), I've never felt so whole like I've felt this year. This been a good year and I kinda wish it doesn't end but we gotta move forward yall, we damn gotta move forward. All good things come to an end but its those hard/bad times that remind us of how strong we are. I got no new year resolutions this time around, nope. Imma just go with the flow hehehehehe and try to be positive.
Am always planning my New Year's Eve every year. Where's the party? What are we gonna do? Such a hustle. Well yall know what, am not doing any of that this year. Nope. Am just sitting back and just following ma man. It doesn't matter what we are doing that day as long as we are together, with each other on that day. He talked about some parties here n there but I don't care (well I kinda do coz I've bought a dress for that) but am not hyping about me. The new me? Hmm let's see how long this calmness lasts. 


Thursday, 26 December 2013


You've been an amazing year to me. I honestly don't want this year to end but all good things...... Hahaha no no nothing is coming to an end. I hope for am even better year. I've achieved lots of stuff in this year and actually became a much happier person. I've literally lived my life and had fun for once. 
Lets start this resume backwards


Autumn to winter.

Autumn is my favourite season simply because of the colours and I actually like dressing up with layers and sweaters which makes autumn perfect. It's cold enough to wear a sweater but not that cold.....depending on where you live obviously. Plus, like I wrote, it's gooooorg<3.
Sch started in September and I was ready because I had had lots of time during the summer and I actually missed school (pse don't hold me account on this when I start nagging on sch). Anyhu sept throughout October, I was being a good girl going to the gym, studying hard, working and of course being a good girlfriend.
November. Stupid November. The hardest month that tested my patience, my relationship and how much I actually need my family. November reminded of how ma little sis has grown<3. November was damn hard and I've never felt depressed as I did during that month. It was the first time I hated autumn/winter and the darkness it brings with it. I longed for warm countries n summer. I thank God for putting me through that. I thank the almighty for my sister and most importantly thank him for bringing me the most understanding, patient, handsome and caring boyfriend. I wouldn't be anywhere without him even though I never admit it.....til now<3
Deceeeeeeember. Happy month. I've literally killed it at university where I've felt like super woman this term. Hehehehehe fingers cross that I keep that going. I've eaten lots and travelled only one person. Hehehehehe. Am at ma's house atm just shopping my brains away, eating like there ain't tomorrow and damn it I gotta study. Will start tomorrow. Promise.

Off to slumberland. Ciao psychos

Thursday, 19 December 2013


So let's start with what I like about me
1. Don know what otherz think but me thinks me can dance, shake ma ass till whatever. 
2. Am not shy but will or can be when necessary.
3. If I love or like you as a person, I will be the most caring/loving friend y'all ever hand. 
4. Me is black as charcoal, curvey with a flat nose n damn proud proud about it. 
5. Am a healthy. Not all the time but I always take care of my body>3.
6. I got lots of love to give, way too much. 


1. I easily get outta place, irritated, pissed n angry. Shot tempered
2. I like things being done MY WAY or else we got a problem. Lol na that doesn't work in a relationship. 
3. Am obsessed with make up nowadays even though am not good at using it.
4. Am judgemental. :(:(:( theeee worst thing about me.
5. Forgive n forget, especially forget doesn't exist in my world. 
6. You don't wanna cross me coz I always seek revenge and never ever forget people who wrong me.

Friday, 13 December 2013


Am spending this weekend with the love of my life<3. We just hanging out, try a working out coz he is obsessed but most importantly we tryna having the best time we can together;);). So yeah am a happy creature atm.
In two week, I will be heading to my folks. Can't wait coz I lurrrve me mami's food. Oh btw am totally not feeling the holiday season this year. Nope. Am just dreaming myself away to the sun, summer, beach and what not. I think it's coz I had THEEEE best summer this past summer. Take me back someone.

Anyhu have a great weekend yall and remember to tell you significant others how much you appreciate em. Cuddles

Saturday, 7 December 2013


Wow I have a blog. Hehehehehe
Well well, how have I Been? I actually don't know, got mixed feelings. 2013 is coming to an end and oh my what a roller coaster it's been. November was without doubt the most challenging month, the hardest time I've ever gone through in this precious life of mine. Chaiiii.
Anyhu right now I feel like I've found myself again, I feel like the whole me and life is being kinda nice to me. I really wanna sum up the year but we still got a month to go so imma wait coz lots can happen in a month.
About school. Yall know how hard sch is, yall know how damn hard university is. Well, this semester, I've classified myself as Einstein's family coz God damn I've been on fire this semester. Being able to work, maintain my strained relationship and do well at uni? High five to moi. But all that hasn't come without hard work. I've literally been doing revision from day freakin 1. It's amazing how school makes me happy. Apart from family, food and boyfriend, school is another thing that gives me joy. Tiiiiiihihi (laughin like Tamar Braxton).

Anyhu nite nite

Oh btw the snow is finally hurrrrr and God damn it this country is one big freezer.