
Monday, 7 October 2013

Happy me

Hej hello ho hai happy people<3. Missed my blog actually. I've been one happy girl lately may be because of  make up? Sleek makeup? Hahahaha no nooooooo no am just in a better mood these days. It's my boy who is too nice to me these days. Wonder why? Eh eh

Anyhu,  was out dancing with my girls last week and if am not mistaken, a girl tried to pick me up. Can you imagine, A GIRL folks. Lol the coward I am, I quickly headed for the exist. Nah I can handle guys hitting on me but girls? Hha I get scared. I got nothing on homosexuals coz some of my family members are homosexual and even some close friends so its not like am homophobic but it's something about girls that scares me. I can just yell at a guy and ask him to rot off somewhere else but I can't be rude to a girl. Hehehehehehe
May be I look gay? H,m will have to ask my boo that. Anyhu, happy Monday folks. Am off to do some studying. Kisses