Yeeey 2010 is officially over. Wat ive achieved? who cares. Anyhu, goooodmornin pple. For those pple who are idle, herez a list bout moi to warm up to. Cheeers!
Music: Anythin I can dance too
Colour: blue/purple
Ice cream: sugary wit nuts...muuuums
Film: oooh, I have many favourites...lets see , My sister´s keeper, law abidin citize e.t.c
Car: Hummer
Language: aint nothin sexier than the British accent(If one understands wat they r sayin) and Spanish
Favourite shop: like chanel coz av its clean cutness and dig all colourful staff for pastry.
Country: Australia, Uganda, Newzealand n Spain
Food: dunno
Sport: ooh am such a football Barca. Love Brasilian jujitsu (UCL<3)
Cities: Newyork, London n Barcelona
School subject: P.E
Tv: CL, Criminal minds, all those house showin programmes
Dessert: Such stuff is for the rich, like moi. heheh
Idol: errrm, myself;)
Chips: Unflavoured
Drink: water water water, witout water= no survival
Qualities in another person: Barcelona supporter and has to be loaded... yepp thats wats up
You want an amazing person that will change your life for the better? Take a look in the mirror.
Friday, 31 December 2010
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Beat up
Phew, jst came home, very tired and starvin. Decided to make eggs, brown bread and orange juice.....Natti yall.
Library date?
Am at the library and its kinda interestin. I wa son a date the other nite and guess who i bump in at the freakin Library. heheh ooh yeh. i got a stalker on my hands. hahah It was awkward coz am not feelin the person but we talked anyways and its kinda goin smooth. "nd unplanned date? Hope "it" doesnt get any ideas.
Lu lu luda Ludacris
Have always wondered why i was so into Ludacris. ooh luv it. That Trey boy doesnt look that bad
This plies one is medicine to me<3
This plies one is medicine to me<3
The trouble wit havin an open mind, av course, is that pple will insist on comin along n tryin to put things in it.
Off to the library to get more knowledge.
Happy mornin
Good mornin yall. It really is a happy good mornin. Am up this early coz i got a drivin lesson to attend to. Fingers crossed, hope it goes alll well. Dont realli remember the last time i had to get up this early. suck!
I had a hard time sleepin last nite coz i was all alone at home (not used to that) and it was scary.
But am feelin capish and guess wat, I got a date tonite. yipppie. The bad ting is that the perso is more interested than I am. Poor creature. Anyho, i gotta run.
I had a hard time sleepin last nite coz i was all alone at home (not used to that) and it was scary.
But am feelin capish and guess wat, I got a date tonite. yipppie. The bad ting is that the perso is more interested than I am. Poor creature. Anyho, i gotta run.
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Wiiiho, I finally forced myself to eat and muuums it was delicious. My appetite hasnt been itself these past days. Ate chicken and potatoes, it jst smelted in my mouth. I feel so much better.
It was actually cooked by momi
It was actually cooked by momi
Film Time
Am watchin lord av the rings (all sequels). This is like the 4th time am watchin them . Am soo hoooked up. Esp on the third one, in that i kinda know every next next ´part. The only missin thing is me knowin the words. hehehhe. Smeaaaagol is ugly and cute at the same tyme. U know such big movies, the main characters are the ones everyone knows. But am this kinda person who dwells on the second characters. The ones that actually make up the entire movie. These characters tell us more bout the main characters. Am a ovie junkie and Ive always seen myself bein a movie critic. hehehehe. Uf God wishes, i will try that. I mean i Live in a country of opportunities so why not?
Back to the Lord of the rings, i loved Merry, pippin and Sam. Those little bastard jst caught my heart. I love the fact that they got different but at the same time same personalities. They never give up even though they are tiny and a strong willed. Absolutely love them. And smeagol, wat is there not to like bout that little carnivin, lair? Hez soo good. I will one day write a movie recommendation list to yall. Am a movie junkie and knwo the good ones. ( Yes i kno we got different tastes and wat not but am the expert.).

Back to the Lord of the rings, i loved Merry, pippin and Sam. Those little bastard jst caught my heart. I love the fact that they got different but at the same time same personalities. They never give up even though they are tiny and a strong willed. Absolutely love them. And smeagol, wat is there not to like bout that little carnivin, lair? Hez soo good. I will one day write a movie recommendation list to yall. Am a movie junkie and knwo the good ones. ( Yes i kno we got different tastes and wat not but am the expert.).
Isnt he cute?
Not my self
Wonderin wat ma up to? I been lyin in a fetal position all damn day. I dont think this sickness is goin away anytime soon, I refuse to take any more tablets so i instead decided on drinkin lots of fluids. The good thing is that it put me at ease, the down side? I have to go to the bathroom every other second. The last i wanna do is to move. F#¤%!!!!!!!. We got aloe plants at home so my mum told me to try it. hohohoho, that thing is very very very sour and a bit of rancidity. bluuuur. I pucked big time. The last time I tasted that crap was wen i accidentally licked it. ewwww.
Its kinda cool that we got the plant at home. It survives all winters!
Anyways, am now lyin here, still alive (thank God). Tryin to watch some tv. Am watching "a place in the sun". Looove it.
Its kinda cool that we got the plant at home. It survives all winters!
Anyways, am now lyin here, still alive (thank God). Tryin to watch some tv. Am watching "a place in the sun". Looove it.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Am aliiiive. Thnk God. Spent almost the entire day yesto at the ER. My throat was killin me and i was throwin up blood. I waited for over 5 hrs! Can u imagine. Wen i finally met the so called doctors, he went "drink alot and stay inside". Guess if i was pissed? helll yeah. Literally felt like stranglin the sucker. but I didnt coz i was weak. Anyways, one of my friend later convinced me to go to her lover´s sister´s house. We ate goood food and i played wit the kids even thou i had fever (dont worri, they had jst been sick so therez no chance of me passin on the infection).
I later got a massive headache, crept under my covers and slept like a baby. Am atm not at home. Am kinda tryin to frive so am at a sch that is super expensive but its totally worth it. I hope all the teachers get sick! hehehehhe.
I later got a massive headache, crept under my covers and slept like a baby. Am atm not at home. Am kinda tryin to frive so am at a sch that is super expensive but its totally worth it. I hope all the teachers get sick! hehehehhe.
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Am atm watchin footy. Am not fan av Man u but am in luv wit that Anderson boy.
The amazin view from my apartment. But bein outside is helllll! Freezin cold -21 degrees
The amazin view from my apartment. But bein outside is helllll! Freezin cold -21 degrees
slow Sunday
This Sunday is as slow as I am today. I cant think straight coz av the tiredness. Am feelin better thu coz ive jst stuffed my belly with food. Mums. It was so delicious.
Anyhu, I jst went thru the pics we took last and hahhaha, wat a crazy nite. I cant show any pics coz they r jst waay to crazy. Ma friends wld kill me. Literally!!! Some were drinkin wen they shldnt, others makin out, a boob showin here n there. heheh crazy people. We went to this club, they played house the first hrs of the night. I kinda hate house coz its for people who cant dance! Yess it is and no one can say othawise. I like a little house mixed with Reggea, Rnb and all that stuff one can actually dance to. I was inda alone the entire nite coz ma buddies were scattered and I honestly didnt want to associate wit all the ugly pple in the club. The cute ones were drunk and thats a no no no no (The only drunkards i entertain are ma buddies). So anyhu, i started talkin to the door men who looked like 10000 pounds. Those dudes were huge. We kinda became friends, the bad thing was that they had a horrible accent. bluuur. Foreigners u knw!. But they were nice. They let me decide who to let in the club. hahaha, Many pple were sure mad and warned to hit me at one point. lol, they sure have to get past my bodyguards. GOOOD LUCK. Much more happened that nite but its kinda personal and again ma friends dont want me to write it.. thats wats up. Here are the pics of my meal i jst ate.
Mums look at that juice.
Cooked with all the massive oil. Goosh it was soo good
Anyhu, I jst went thru the pics we took last and hahhaha, wat a crazy nite. I cant show any pics coz they r jst waay to crazy. Ma friends wld kill me. Literally!!! Some were drinkin wen they shldnt, others makin out, a boob showin here n there. heheh crazy people. We went to this club, they played house the first hrs of the night. I kinda hate house coz its for people who cant dance! Yess it is and no one can say othawise. I like a little house mixed with Reggea, Rnb and all that stuff one can actually dance to. I was inda alone the entire nite coz ma buddies were scattered and I honestly didnt want to associate wit all the ugly pple in the club. The cute ones were drunk and thats a no no no no (The only drunkards i entertain are ma buddies). So anyhu, i started talkin to the door men who looked like 10000 pounds. Those dudes were huge. We kinda became friends, the bad thing was that they had a horrible accent. bluuur. Foreigners u knw!. But they were nice. They let me decide who to let in the club. hahaha, Many pple were sure mad and warned to hit me at one point. lol, they sure have to get past my bodyguards. GOOOD LUCK. Much more happened that nite but its kinda personal and again ma friends dont want me to write it.. thats wats up. Here are the pics of my meal i jst ate.
Mums look at that juice.
Cooked with all the massive oil. Goosh it was soo good
Oh my, am sooo tired. Cant even explain how worn out I am. It was a magical day yesto. I went to a friends house, ate ate until i cldnt breath. She got lilttle siblings so i played with them which was soo good coz ma stomach went down a notch. yeeey. Later during the night, we decided to go out. Hooooho. We met some cute lads who we partied with till 6a.m. I would love to tell u the details but am kinda tired. Willl totally fill u in later.

My night ina picture. soo fun, and ma feet are hurtin like hell. Feel sorri for all those poor people (bse of the financial crisis) that cant afford goin out. Hahhaha
My night ina picture. soo fun, and ma feet are hurtin like hell. Feel sorri for all those poor people (bse of the financial crisis) that cant afford goin out. Hahhaha
Saturday, 25 December 2010
25 Dec 2010
A new day menas new places to go to. Been invited again to a "friends´" house to eat. Yesss, the thing is that they live very very far so again i have to fight thru the sbow and wat not. Worst of all are the ticket controllers. I wish i had that ring in "the lord of the rings" so i cld vanish. suck. I need one of those. Wonder how much it costs. Couple av million pounds(not that much aint it?)
It feels like minus 20 outside. Freezing like hell. But that didnt stop me from buying my breakfast. yummmy am such an eater.
Oh btw gooodmornin.
peace out!
It feels like minus 20 outside. Freezing like hell. But that didnt stop me from buying my breakfast. yummmy am such an eater.
Oh btw gooodmornin.
peace out!
Friday, 24 December 2010
Christmas Eve
Am no christian but i must say that christmas times are fun, not only bse i get lots of presents but also lots of food and family gatherings. My mum forced me to go to her friend who invited us. I didnt want to go coz she lives kinda far and that meant i had to take the bus. I kinda enjoy bus rides but i have no bus card so that means i have to look out for ticket controllers every other second (its not fun`). Anywats i decided to go and it was very very very very fun. I ate turkey til i cldnt walk. The good thing is that their were children so we ran up and down which helped ma stomach cool down so i could eat dessert;) mummmms. Too bad i didnt take that many pictures! With all the food, i forgot to take out ma camera but watever. Am kinda beat right now so am jst gonna unwind by watchin a movie. Dont know which one yet, but I wanna watch an old English movie. You know such movies like Jane Eyre. Loove them. Have a good night yall and Merry christmas.
G o o d m o r n i n g
It really is a goodmornin. The only downside is my intérnet hasnt been workin since last nite which made me almost cry.. Gooosh, i just need to jump outta bed, eat breakfast and then head off to one of my mum´s friends who invited us over for some kinda party. Caaant wait.
Btw, why do people have to buy each other presents during christmas? Ive never understood why.
Btw, why do people have to buy each other presents during christmas? Ive never understood why.
Thursday, 23 December 2010
stay home wifey?
Oh my lord. What a long bloody Thursday. " days to christmas (not that i care). Been home the entiiiire day. Heheh can even remember the last time that happened. Am actually still in ma pyjamas and havent even brushed BUT i smell good, as usual. Was bored so i called my 2 little cousins who came over and had fun. I bribed them with cookies, soda and chips (the stuff they arent allowed to eat at home coz its bad?).
Even thouh i been home, i was kinda busy. I cooked, cleeaned the entire house, washed and ironed clothes. Am soo worn out right now. I cant understand how women do it!. Seriously bein at home day in day out, add on caring for the children. Buuuhu. I loove kids but hate other house chores. Am never entitling my day to chores. NEVER NEVER NEVER again. suck
I wonder how it was long time ago? When women either worked as nurses or teachers, while the rest had to stay at home. I wonder if i would have survived in that environment? On second thought, I KNOW i would have killed myself. for reals
Even thouh i been home, i was kinda busy. I cooked, cleeaned the entire house, washed and ironed clothes. Am soo worn out right now. I cant understand how women do it!. Seriously bein at home day in day out, add on caring for the children. Buuuhu. I loove kids but hate other house chores. Am never entitling my day to chores. NEVER NEVER NEVER again. suck
I wonder how it was long time ago? When women either worked as nurses or teachers, while the rest had to stay at home. I wonder if i would have survived in that environment? On second thought, I KNOW i would have killed myself. for reals
First post
I can finally blog. Amazin amazin yo. Its super cold over here. Lovin the snow but hate the fact that i fall every other seconds. Definately have to pick the LV boots i spotted last weekend. Kinda cheap for ma taste but watta hell!
peace yall
peace yall
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